Nature provides

What is Hempcrete?

Why use Hempcrete?

Hemp is among one of the oldest industries on the planet, dating back 10,000 years. Hempcrete is the combination of hemp, lime and water to create an all-natural wall which can breathe. By using natural renders and natural paints the Hempcrete wall is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts and holds water molecules and then releases it depending on external humidity levels.

  • Hygroscopicity - regulates internal temperatures and creates a healthier internal environment.

  • A Hempcrete wall has excellent R values and at the same time has thermal mass qualities. No other building material can do both.

  • The Monolithic nature of ‘cast in situ’’ Hempcrete homes create an air tight wall with excellent acoustic values, as well as having a high Fire Resistance Level (FRL) of 73 minutes ( For 300mm thick wall)

  • Hempcrete is a carbon neutral building material, in fact carbon negative with the carbon dioxide from the plant being locked in the fibres. In addition as the lime binder petrifies over the life of the building (100 yrs.’ plus) it sequesters and stores carbon in to the walls, making this building material a truly environmentally friendly product.

Building with Hempcrete demonstrates a real commitment to help save our planet while providing a warm and healthy living space for you and your family. To read more about the specific desirable qualities of hempcrete, please select an article from below: